This is an excellent newsletter from “Down Under”……….. including an especially compelling article on a “club in trouble.”
This is an excellent newsletter from “Down Under”……….. including an especially compelling article on a “club in trouble.”
Introducing The 33% solution. It's as easy as 3,2,1.
District 5130
The 33% solution is a great way of getting all of your members involved in attaining new members. This is what you do as the presenter for this new program. You can do it as a 7 - 10 minute membership segment, or expand it to a 25 minute presentation. You can do this as an individual or with the club membership chair. Ask the following questions:
a) Who in your club is vivacious, outgoing, likes to socialize? (Ask them to come up) ENTHUSIASTIC, “ROTARY ON THE SLEEVE”
b) Who is a member that is the bean counter, to keep everything on track?
PROCESSES, RESULTS (call them up to the front).
c) Now, who is that person who enjoys orienting, taking care of others, making sure they’re welcome, involved? MENTORS, KEEPERS OF THE FLAME (like your Aunt Tess/Uncle Joe, a member who understands the ins and outs of Rotary and your club).
d) OPTIONAL STEP if doing a longer presentation: Look at these three people and ask them individually, "Why are you a Rotarian?" Each will answer in their own fashion, but they all will have a reason. Ask them to answer in a few sentences or “25 words or less”
e) Now ask them, "Do you think the three of you can bring in ONE new member?
(Give them a little time - 30 sec.) to discuss it.
f) Then ask them, “In what period of time??” or "how long do you think it will take you?" (Another 30 secs.)It can take them anywhere from one month to several months. It all depends on them. This becomes a TEAM effort rather than falling on one individual. They can encourage each other.
g) You can then ask, "How many teams cam you have in your club using this method?"
Teams can be formed easily:
• Who is outgoing? Please stand with (use name of outgoing individual),
• Who is a bean counter? Please stand with (Ralph), and
• Who is like your "Uncle Joe?” Come on up.
Now form teams by choosing one from each category. You now have a team with the potential of bringing in a new member as soon as a month, two months, whatever they decide. If you have an overlap, that's okay, put them where they a fit in.
It’s as easy as 3, 2, 1:
3 Rotarians
2 Months
1 New Member
My own club had a contest to see which team brought in the most members within a six month period. It was exciting and the club's energy level went up in enthusiasm and hope for our future.
I should also mention that if a member doesn't want to play, they don't have to.
If you are going to present at a different Rotary Club, I suggest that you ask the President's permission and ask the club membership chair to assist you. Or, you can present this to a club's board and train them to bring it to their own club. There are many variations to this program and they all work. Any questions?
By this time everyone is having fun and engaged. And the final result is that your members will want to do this.
Chris Parr-Feldman
District 5130
District Membership Chair. 2009-10
The updated How to Propose a New Member brochure is now available. Discover how to increase your club’s membership.
This easy-to-use publication includes:
- Tips for finding new members
- Administrative steps for proposing a new member
- Membership Proposal Form
- Information about prospective members, relocation, and referrals
Download the brochure and distribute it at club and district meetings when discussing recruitment. Or post a link on your club and district Web sites and newsletters.
The How to Propose a New Member brochure (254, US$6 per pack of 25) is also available for purchase at shop.rotary.org.