Friday, October 29, 2010

Rotary Updates: Vocational, Rotaract, Polio .... and MORE

Weekly Update - 29 October 2010

Online contributions break records 18-24 October

During the week of 18-24 October, approximately US$2.8 million was raised in online contributions for PolioPlus. To honor World Polio Day on 24 October, The Rotary Foundation offered for the first time double Paul Harris Fellow recognition points for online-only contributions of US$100 or more during that week. 
The results represent a significant increase in online donations. To compare, $660,000 in online donations to PolioPlus were made from January to September 2010.  

As of 27 October, Rotarians have raised about $150 million for Rotary's US$200 Million Challenge. These contributions will help Rotary raise $200 million to match $355 million in challenge grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The resulting $555 million will directly support immunization campaigns in developing countries, where polio continues to infect and paralyze children, robbing them of their futures and compounding the hardships faced by their families.

What's Up with Social Media??

Be sure to take a few minutes to check out the RI Social Media video on Vimeo.

It's short - to the point - and eye opening!  It's a message we cannot ignore!  Share it with your club and others in your district.  

Progress Report Recognizes Rotary's Gains

Rotary International's membership has grown nearly 38 percent in sub-Saharan Africa since 2001, significant progress has been made in the effort to rid the world of polio, and the image of Rotary has been enhanced through public service announcements and the illumination of landmarks with the End Polio Now message. 

These are just a few of the achievements listed in a recently released progress report on the organization's strategic plan.

Read all about it here:

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Rotary Membership Ideas

New Rotary videos
Share Rotary Basics Online,a multimedia introduction to Rotary International, with new and prospective members. To get started, go to, click on the Members tab, and select New Members - Rotary Basics - or link to 

Rotary logoHow can Rotary attract new members?  This is the focus of this month's Rotary minute.  Got a minute? Check out Rotary Minute the new one minute video series that features Rotarians from around the world answering a different question every month. What is Rotary? How have you benefited from being a Rotarian? Hear their answers to these questions and more.
Learn about New Generations (the new youth programs) video available on RI's YouTube channel. This video can help introduce Interact, Rotaract, RYLA, and Rotary Youth Exchange to Rotarians and potential program participants.

With thanks to RC Rogue Gateway

Interview with RI President Ray Klinginsmith interviews RI President Ray Klinginsmith about Bill Gates and Eradicating Polio. See the video at this link.

We're "THIS CLOSE" - What are you doing - in your club, your community, personally - to make sure we finish this job?


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

2010 Rotary Manual of Procedure

Available today on the RI website:

This new MOP will include all the adopted resolutions from the recent Council on Legislation. You may want to bookmark or save the document for easy reference.

Monday, October 25, 2010 For all Rotarians

Rotary International provides training opportunities for all Rotarians

The Rotary E-Learning Center is your online resource for the independent study of Rotary, particularly for new members and club officers. Rotary International also produces training resources for a variety of training seminars held throughout the year for district leaders and for club leaders and members. For all Rotarians

Please share this link with the district and club leaders in your area!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


- Suppose the membership in a Rotary Club was limited to 20; would you be in or out?

- Suppose membership were good for one year only and reelection depended upon the service you have given to Rotary during that time; would you be re-elected?

- Suppose you were called to tell why you thought the Rotary club should keep your name on its rolls; have you a record of helpful service to offer in your defense?

- Suppose every member of your club did just as much as you are doing now; would your club be the most active in Rotary International or would it be disappearing into obscurity?

. Thanks to Rotary District 5690 newsletter for the above item.

Is Your Rotary Club Broken?

Rotary International is the oldest service organization in the world.  We are 1.2 million, men and women, doing amazing things to make our world a better place. We are feeding the hungry, healing the sick, and yes - even making the "lame to walk."  We have persevered in our quest to rid the world of Polio (and we're "this close!") We are making a difference in literacy, equality, health, and child abuse issues.  Our local and our world communities are better because of Rotararians!  

But.......sometimes we don't take very good care of each other.  We invite wonderful people to join us, only to sometimes see them leave -- because we didn't help them get involved- or help them understand our purpose - or listen to what they hoped to get out of Rotary - or listen to their "new" ideas - often our members leave because they didn't feel valued!  (The biggest killers of Rotarian spirit are the terms "That's not the way we do it" or "That won't work.")

One of my favorite bloggers, Seth Godin,writes about:  The sales you don't make
Do a search on great jazz singer "Emily Barlow" in Amazon and you'll find... nothing. That's because her first name is spelled Emilie and Amazon gives up.  Do a search on Lord of the Flies and you'll find tons of matches, but none of the top ones are for the book--they're all for expensive annotated or educator's editions. Broken search = no sale.
It's extremely difficult to figure out why people walk out of your store, throw out your brochure, leave your site... but in fact, this is fertile territory for dramatically increasing sales. You won't find what's broken if you don't look.

Has your club conducted a survey of club members? Club Assessment? Club Visioning/Strategic Planning?  Do you know what your club members want?  That, my friends, is the first step towards becoming a truly DYNAMIC Rotary Club ....... indeed, Bigger, Better and Bolder!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

2010 COL results in needed changes to Rotary Club's Constitution and ByLaws

.  As a result of the 2010 Council On Legislation, the new standard Rotary club constitution and the new recommended club bylaws were posted on the Rotary web site in July.  All club presidents received a hard copy of the “Report of Action” from the COL, but this only contained the changes to these documents, but not the new documents themselves.  

The new 2010 Manual of Procedure (in English) will be posted on the RI web site by the end of this week, and gratis hard copies of the new MOP (in English), which contain the standard Rotary Club constitution and recommended club bylaws, will be mailed to all clubs by the end of this month. 

One club is holding a club assembly to deal with the needed changes to the club constitution as noted below:

Rotary International prescribes that all Rotary clubs shall adopt a Standard Rotary Club Constitution.  That constitution may be amended only by the council on legislation as established in the bylaws of Rotary International with the exception that the name and locality of the club may be amended as necessary but must be submitted to the board of directors of RI for its approval and shall become effective only when so approved.
The significant changes to the constitution result from the 2010 Council on Legislation.
  • Add an article defining the Five Avenues of Service.
  • Add verbiage to Article 7 regarding granting membership to transferring or former Rotarians.  The updated procedure requires that the new club receive a certificate from the transferring member's previous club confirming  the prospective member's previous membership in that club and that no money is owed to another club by the proposed member.
  • Recognize the immediate past president as a club officer.
  • Defining that if a president-elect does not meet the requirements to be excused from participation in a presidents-elect training seminar (PETS)  that the current president shall continue to serve until an appropriate successor has been duly elected.
The recommended additions and amendments to the club's bylaws also result primarily from the 2010 Council on Legislation.
  • Recognize that the immediate past president is a club officer and define his/her duties.
  • Add New Generations Service as a fifth Avenue of Service.
  • Define that Leaves of Absence can be no longer than twelve months instead of for a specified length of time.