This article 6 Quick Tips for Receiving Critiques Gracefully was written from the standpoint of a designer, but the "6 Tips" can be applied to us in Rotary as well. The following are summarized for Rotarians:
1. Listen
First and foremost, you must listen to the feedback that is being relayed to you, whether you consider it valuable (constructive) or not. Listening shows respect for the other person.
2. Keep Your Emotions in Check
It’s tough to hear that someone doesn’t love what we’ve done, but we must keep in mind that everyone sees the world differently... When receiving feedback from someone, you have to leave your emotions and your attitude aside...Step back and listen to what they have to say. Step away from the situation temporarily if you have to, in order to avoid overreacting and exploding. Becoming defensive is a natural reaction, but will not prove productive.
3. Appreciate New Opinions
Receiving feedback from others is a great opportunity to see how others view your work. I know what I like and what I think works best, but my client knows their audience better than I do, and may be able to offer some deeper insight into how they will respond...Perhaps the person giving feedback has another /better way of presenting to their district or club.
4. Criticism Management Can Lead to Better Work Relationships can earn respect from others by accepting their feedback in a tasteful manner.Everyone appreciates it when his or her opinions are being heard and considered. The better you can handle critiques, the more you’ll be respected by the people you work with. When people see that you can handle feedback gracefully, they’ll be more inclined to work with you. And - cooperative collaboration is critical to the future of Rotary!
5. Remember Who’s Footing the Bill (doing the work of Rotary)
In the end, you are creating something for someone else, and they must be satisfied with the outcome. That would be our Rotary clubs!
6. Learn from Others
The most valuable part of receiving critiques gracefully is the opportunity we get to learn from them. We always learn best from others - sharing new ideas and best practices!Read the original blog here:
6 Quick Tips for Receiving Critiques Gracefully
The author of this blog, I appreciate her insight into "gracefully" receiving critiques.