Sunday, March 28, 2010

Year-End Rotary Awards

Just a reminder about year-end awards for your clubs and district. In addition to the Presidential Citation, there are some other Membership Awards for which many of your clubs will qualify. Below is a summary and the link to find more info and the forms. The dates for submission are just a few weeks off -- if you haven't done so already, it’s time to gather data.

RI Membership Development and Extension Award -- MDEA

Nominators: District governors
Deadline: Beginning 15 May, district governors submit recognition forms to RI.
This district-level certificate program recognizes membership growth in existing clubs, retention of current club members, and the organization of new clubs. Districts that meet their membership goals are also recognized.

RI Recognition of Membership Development Initiatives -- MDI

Nominators: District governors
Deadline: District governors must receive submissions from clubs by 15 April. RI must receive submission forms from district governors by 15 May.
This district-level certificate recognizes clubs for the development and implementation of a creative plan or strategy to support one of the three primary foundations of membership growth and development: retention, recruitment of qualified new members, or the organization of new Rotary clubs.

Both MDEA and MDI forms can be found at

Though “similar” to the Presidential Citation – the accomplishment of RI President Kenny’s membership goals will result in a special recognition – perhaps even on the stage at the Montreal convention! Check it out;
RI President John Kenny has established the following membership goals for 2009-10:
Club recognition requirements:
- A minimum of one net member increase
- A minimum of 80% retention rate (80% of the same members who were on the roles July 1)
AND certification by the district governor of two of the following achievements:
- Increased percentage of qualified women
- Increased percentage of qualified younger professionals (under age 50)
- Induction of at least one alumna or alumnus of RI or the Rotary Foundation
- Increased diversity of membership (e.g., classification, gender, age, ethnicity)
Clubs should submit their goal results to their district governor by 15 May 2010. Districts should certify the results and submit them to RI, along with their district results, by 22 May,2010. Certification forms are available on

As always, RRIMCs Barb and Judi here to be of any assistance you might need in the area of membership. Please let us know if you need more info or clarification.

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