A couple of hints to assure success of that new club:
Though the “rules” say a club may be chartered with 20, RI strongly encourages at least 25 charter members due to what will be some inevitable attrition in the first few months. It’s been found that those who start with 25 or more members do a lot better in the long run – they aren’t as likely to struggle in the first few years.
Another idea to consider is to ask a couple of your PETS instructors to give a half day of PEITS to the charter president (President-Elect-Intensive-Training-Seminar.) The DGE and AG for the new club would probably like to be involved in that as well.
Encouraging all the provisional or charter members to attend the conference and the district assembly is another great way to make basic Rotary information available to them -- as well as give these new Rotarians an opportunity to meet, talk, and learn from Rotarians from around the district – good “networking” if you will.
At least one year of regular mentoring of the new club by the sponsor club is imperative! This includes:
*regular club visits by the sponsor club members
*sponsor club board member(s) attend new club board meetings
*invite charter club board to attend sponsor club board meetings
*work on a joint club project
*plan a joint club social
*match mentor/charter jobs (i.e. President mentors President, Secretary mentors Secretary, etc.)
What ideas can you suggest to help in the successful chartering of new clubs? Email your ideas to judi5110@comcast.net
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