Why Rotarians Drop their Membership
Thanks to Rotary District 6000 - www.rotary6000.orgRetention is not just everyone’s responsibility, but OUR responsibility. Otherwise, it’s nobody’s responsibility.
Lack of screening to ensure prospective members are a good fit with Rotary
No meaningful induction ceremony
Inadequate orientation of the new member
Very limited, or no club participation in projects or committees.
Poor or non existent follow up by mentor or sponsor.
Club projects not meaningful
Meetings too boring, formal, or inflexible
Inconvenient meeting time or location
Indifference or apathy on part of club officers and leaders.
Poor communication between officers and members.
Lack of encouragement to attend training seminars and district conferences
When Rotarians drop their club membership (but remain in town and have no major health concerns), 70% drop because they don’t believe they are receiving value for the time and money spent, 14% are dissatisfied with the club leadership or fellowship, and 9% drop because of financial reasons.
Do you know of other red flags?
The good news is the majority of the above reasons for member disillusionment can be eliminated by the club leadership being proactive.
The bottom line is Rotarians must feel they are an important part of the club membership. If not, they’ll look to other clubs or activities where they will get involved.
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