Sunday, September 27, 2009

Social networking expands Rotary horizons

This is a great example of the benefit of using Social Networking to expand our Global horizons and friendships.

Imagine the exposure and information about Rotary that can also be extended to our non-Rotary social network friends with just a few personal comments or Rotary links on our Facebook or LinkedIn pages!

Read more at:
Social networking expands Rotary horizons.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Kenny establishes membership goals

From Rotary International News
17 September 2009

Clubs can earn a certificate signed by RI President John Kenny by meeting his membership goals for 2009-10.

The top 10 clubs and top 10 districts, as determined by RI, will also be acknowledged onstage at the 2010 convention in Montréal, Québec, Canada.

Read the entire article.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Best Practice from Nevada, District 5180

From the Rotary Club of Nevada County South:
"When a Rotaracter turns the age of 30 they leave Rotaract. Often times it is a financial burden for these young adults to join a Rotary club. The board has passed a new policy for Rotaracters wanting to transfer from Rotaract to our Rotary club. The only expense to these new members is a $50 entry fee and the weekly meals. The club will sponsor two RI dues payments, one payment for District dues and the first $100 to the Paul Harris Society. We encourage ALL members who know of Rotaracters coming of Rotary age, to let them know of this policy."

This might be a consideration for other new young Rotarian prospects who have more time and energy to contribute than they have money.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Rotary Marketing and "Networking"

Research shows us that many prospective members are looking for a way to get better acquainted with other business and professional people in the community. This can also be a factor to retaining Rotarians through down turns in the economy, such as we're suffering now.

Here is an article that appeared in the August 2009 issue of The Rotarian Magazine that talks about how marketing and networking can be beneficial to the club and to the members - Free advice from marketing expert Mary Shallies.