Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Second Half of 2009-2010 -- Idea from D5160

The holiday break is an interesting time in the Rotary year -

Current Presidents are looking at their watches and saying to themselves "How the heck did six months slip by so quickly?"

Incoming Presidents are looking at a growing email box and asking themselves "What's the big flaming rush? I don't start for another six months!"

The other day, an incoming leader asked "What do THEY want us to do next year?” To which the correct response is "THEY is US!"

How do WE, the clubs, want to maintain and grow this incredible service organization of ours? The future of Rotary is truly in our hands, especially the hands of club leaders.

That's the membership segue - the first step is a good membership development plan because that is what healthy organizations do. If your club has a plan that works, that's great, keep up the good work.

If on the other hand your club does not have a plan, or your plan is not working for any reason, there is no better time in the Rotary year than right now to do something about it.

Some general tips -
First, never beat yourself up - It's not fun. It's not productive. Corny as this is, today is the first day of the rest of your life.
Power of positive attitude - You must believe you can change the status quo. If you believe you will not succeed, then you will not - a self-fulfilling prophesy.
Propensity for action - the 80% plan implemented promptly with enthusiasm is better than waiting for a perfect plan. PS - there is no perfect plan.
Membership is a team effort - One person cannot do it all. Multiple skills are involved.
Chicken and egg - If it is not important to the President, it will not be important to the Membership.
Members will bring guests - when they are confident that a team of membership professionals will properly handle the guest - starting at the front door – and when the club offers “fun” and “value.”
20/80 rule - 20% of the members will do 80% of the work and vice-versa. However, it is the energy of the 20% that causes the 80% to rise up and follow. Mobilize your core group and go.
Knowledge is power. Rotary is strong in part because excellent leader training is available at every level. For Presidents it is PETS, (Presidents Elect Training Seminar.) For other club leaders, it is the District Assemblies. Do not pass up this once a year learning opportunity.

A suggested action plan -
• Identify your club's 2010 Membership Chairs and engage them in the second half effort.
• Identify your club's 2010 membership team members and solicit their involvement in the second half.
• Review your current membership plan or make one from scratch if you have to. Plan your work, and then work your plan.
• Encourage all key club leaders to take advantage of the District Assembly training.
• Publish your year end 2009 goal to the membership and engage them to bring guests.
• Make membership development a small but happy part of every meeting for the rest of the year
• Celebrate successes large and small. This is supposed to be fun!
• Once again - you aren't doing it for THEM, it is all about your club. Two or five or ten years from now, you'll be glad you did.

The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands

Thanks to DMC Vic Georgiou, D5160

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